Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Formal Letter (Final)

 To the California Congressmen who voted to block the bill to make gay marriage legal,

           Marriage is considered by many to be a fundamental human right and is a point of happiness and pride for every culture in the world. Why then, should 5.4% of Californians be denied this most basic human right? This has been a hotly debated point of order in the California Senate for some time and the bill to make homosexual marriage protected by the California Constitution is repeatedly overturned. In a nation that prides itself in providing freedoms to it citizens, and especially in a state where many of the California natives love to revel in how progressive California is, this is a grievance that must not stand.
            Gary gates, cited the 2000 California census as having shown 5.4% of the population identified as Homosexual, Lesbian, Transgender, or bisexual. (“Same Sex Couples and the Gay, Lesbian, and Bisexual Population: New Estimates from the American Community Survey”, 5). That equates to 2 million Fifty-four Thousand California Citizens. Throughout history Americans have trampled on the rights of others. In the earlier 20th century African American citizens were being oppressed. This is our modern segregation. To the youth of today segregating the African American portion of our society sounds absurd or even outright blasphemous. To the youth of tomorrow those preaching against gay marriage will be seen as the equivalent those that beat and spat upon the black students of yesteryear who were the first to attend a white school; in other words, monstrous and lacking empathy. How would you feel if we suddenly as a culture decided that marriage was defined as union between a man and a goat, and your marriage was now invalid?
            The typical argument against gay marriage is that it is a union between a man and a woman. This definition was adopted from the biblical variation of marriage, holy matrimony. From a legal standpoint, as stated by my father, Michael Germain, Esq., "Marriage is first and formost a legally binding contract that makes two individuals seen as one at a federal and state level." What most people are actually arguing about isn't the legal definition of marriage. It is the idea that homosexual love can be declared just as valid as love between two straight partners. Also, if we are choosing the definitions of our constitutional rights from the bible than we are tarnishing one of the ideas that this nation was built upon: the separation of church and state. If we feel the need to follow biblical laws then I have some suggestions for some that have been overlooked. "Any person who curseth his mother or father, must be killed. (Leviticus, 20:9). "Do not cut your hair or shave." (Leviticus, 19:27). "If a man cheats on his wife, or vice versa, both the man and the woman must die." (Leviticus, 20:10). All of these come from the book in the bible, Leviticus, which is the same book, which suggests that homosexuality is an abomination. If we as a culture don't find these laws to hold any credibility, then none of Leviticus is credible. You have no right to say that the bible is God's fundamental truth, and then pick and choose the verses you actually want to follow. In fact by scrutinizing the word of God, all who read this must hunt me down and stone me to death. If I survive you must then burn me (Leviticus, 20:14-16).
          Another one of the most stated arguments against gay marriage comes is that homosexuality is unnatural. Addressing the argument that homosexuality is unnatural, Bruce Begemihl, Ph.D. stated that there are more than 3000 species of animals that have homosexual tendencies. (Biological Exuberance: Animal Homosexuality and Natural Diversity, 3).  These include many species of Apes, birds, dolphins, crabs, and even worms. Even our precious "birds and bees" are sometimes gay. There goes that metaphorical analysis of sex between men and women. If all of these other members of the animal kingdom are homosexual then to have none ourselves, we would, as a species, be unnatural. The very definition of unnatural is to not be in accordance with nature. Also, there is only one known species that rigorously persecutes homosexuality and that is man.Therefore, homosexuality is very natural and the opposition of the gay marriage bill is what defies nature herself.
            As previously stated, in California alone, there are 2 million, fifty thousand citizens who identify as homosexual. If gay marriage became legal and they all married then the cost of their weddings would generate $25,000,000,000 in revenue. (The average cost of a wedding is $25,000 dollars. $25,000 x 1,000,000 couples = $25,000,000,000) If half of those marriages failed, that would generate $20,000,000,000 in the cost for divorce. (Average cost of divorce is $20,000. $20,000 x 1,000,000 million divorcing gays = $20,000,000,000.) In total that is $45,000,000,000 in revenue. If 8.5% of that money was taxed that would be $3,825,000,000 for the state. This revenue stream could create hundreds of thousands of jobs dedicated to serving the marrying and divorcing homosexual. From an economic standpoint, we are insane for not making gay marriage legal. Gay marriage could be what saves our state from our current economic debacle.
            I ask that you rethink your standpoint on gay marriage. I ask as a man who always pays his taxes on time. I ask as a man who always tries to give what money he has to the outstretched hand on the sidewalk I ask as a man who loves his family and his country. I ask as a man who volunteers in his community in order to help his fellows. I ask as a man who donates blood to help save lives. I ask as a man who gives money to more underprivileged people in third world countries so they may get the goat that will provide them with sustenance. I ask as a man that you were elected to represent. I ask I ask as a man with many gay and lesbian friends throughout his life. Friends, who I have seen surrounded and beaten for the sexual orientation that is beyond their control. Friends, who have been raped because, “That @$*%ing lesbian bitch cock-blocked me!” Friends, who are afraid to hold the hand of another in public for fear of their very lives, are at risk. Friends, who love another person more than I have seen two people in love with on another, but can’t declare it publicly because their love is illegal. In the name of the law, nature, God, the oppressed, and all of my gay friends and family, I ask, nay, beg you, to please reconsider your ideals, and open your mind to the love of others.

Works Cited

"California QuickFacts from the US Census Bureau." California QuickFacts from the US Census Bureau. United Stated Census Bureau, 23 May 2013. Web. Mar.-Apr. 2013.

The Holy Bible: Old and New Testaments. Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson, 2003. Print.

Gates, Gary J., Ph.D. Same-sex Couples and the Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual Population: New Estimates from the American Community Survey. Tech. The Williams Institue on Sexual Orientation Law and Public Policy, UCLA School of Law, Oct. 2006. Web. 31 Mar. 2013.

LeVay, Simon, Ph.D. "The Science of Sex." Web.Archive.org. N.p., 8 Mar. 2007. Web. 31 May 2013.


  1. This was interesting to read from beginning to end and quite persuasive. I'm glad that you worked through revision to cut out and revise because this draft is much stronger than your previous draft. You have some great logos: your reasoning using the bible is great. But there are a few instances where I questioned the validity of your statements, which undermines your ethos, such as: "Homosexuality is unnatural, there are more than 1500 species of animals that have homosexual tendencies" because you don't use signal phrases to attribute. There are other areas where minor errors distract, but overall this is an important, well-reasoned argument and I appreciate your hard work to catch up during a difficult semester for you.
    Blog: 7 (no annotations/could have used more final polish revision)
    Paper: 4

  2. I really enjoyed reading your comments on the blogosphere! Thanks for putting in the extra effort at the end here...these saved your grade.
